Nature and Nurture

In his book "Biology of Belief", Dr. Bruce Lipton postulates that we are much more a product of our thoughts and environment than our genetics.  The evidence he gives in the book is compelling:  We are not victims of genetics but rather self-aware beings who are capable of acting versus being acted upon.

As I reflect on how this idea has played out in my life, I would have to agree with Dr. Lipton.  And that makes me feel much more empowered!

Our bodies show us in a physical way that which we think about consistently.  And just like how the Spirit communicates with us through the whispers of the still, small voice, so does our body speak in subtle whispers.  However, if we ignore these whispers, our bodies will begin to yell.

What better way to heal and honor ourselves, both spiritually and physically, than taking in only that which is constructive - the building blocks of health and wellness.

How to approach making these changes is an individual and personal journey.  Those times when we feel unsure of where to start or afraid of what the changes will mean, remember what we learn in 1 Corinthians 12.  The Apostle Paul teaches us that we are ALL endowed with diverse spiritual gifts.  These gifts are many and not restricted to a selective few.  The chapter ends with the wise counsel to "...covet earnestly the best gifts."

Use the gifts you were born with and cultivate those you desire.

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